OUR PAST INFORMS OUR FUTURE: Born in and spent my child-time in Africa. My father was Professor of English and Philosophy at the University of Malawi. Back to colder climes - UK.
Dyed my hair pink and 'ran away to join the theatre'. Trained at the Cockpit Theatre, co-founded the London Performance Company (young people’s political theatre), a BA Hons. in Jazz History and Jazz Voice (London University). MA in Devised Theatre (Dartington College of Arts, Devon), Big Brother 8 (2009) housemate (and all that goes with the media whoosh - 15 minutes of celebrity status/fame) leading onto setting-up Screens South West (training people in acting and re-acting to the camera).
20 years of working in theatre and production; gigs, shows, events, cabarets and design.
My mother was MD of the British School of Knitting (a design centre in London training people to set up business in textiles), she has a MA in Knitted Textiles (Royal College of Art). Her company wrote the first computer software for knitting machines. I probably osmotically picked-up knitting construction as the ‘design-vibe’ was flying around. When I was 16 years old I learned to knit and purl (and that's about all).